A Guide for Farmers to Reduce Carbon Footprint
“We, the present generation, have the responsibility to act as a trustee of the rich natural wealth for the future generations. The issue is not merely about climate change; it is about climate justice” said the current prime minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi explaining his concern about climate change and asking us to serve justice to the climate.
The current scenario of climate change is a result of years of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. We as a society are collaboratively responsible for it and we need to work together to reduce carbon footprint. Keeping this in mind the United Nations has set global goals for achieving net-zero by 2050. To achieve this goal all sectors need to cut down their emissions and adopt more sustainable and environment-friendly practices.
One such sector which does not seem to be a big problem but is actually a major contributor to these emissions is the Agricultural Sector. The global agricultural-food system is estimated to contribute a hefty 31% of all global greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans. In India, the farm sector accounts for 19.6 per cent of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
How Does Adopting Sustainable Farming Help to Reduce Carbon Footprint?

The fact that the carbon footprint of the agricultural sector is increasing is alarming since the global food demand is anticipated to surge by 56% between 2010 and 2050, which will further increase the burden on the agricultural sector and result in an increase in emissions. Therefore, the adoption of Sustainable farming is prominent it can not only help to reduce carbon footprint but will also help to increase the crop yield in order to fulfil the increasing demand.
Here Are The 5 Ways to Help Farmers Reduce Carbon Footprint

1. Crop Rotation to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Monoculture farming, or farming the same type of crops can deplete the soil health, and soil nutrients which further increases the need for using chemical fertilizers ultimately increasing the carbon footprint. The rotation of crops is one such way to increase diversity while maintaining the soil nutrients and enhancing the soil structure over time. Crop Rotation helps to optimize the use of nutrients from the soil as different crops require different nutrients.
2. Minimizing Tillage to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Traditional tillage methods involve plowing the soil, which can be required sometimes to increase the productivity of the soil but the machinery used and the energy consumed to perform tillage runs of fossil fuels. Also, tillage releases carbon stored in the soil into the atmosphere. Conservation tillage practices such as no-till or reduced tillage minimize soil disturbance, preserving soil structure and organic matter. This reduces carbon footprint and enhances soil carbon sequestration.
3. Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Equipment to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Fuel consumption on farms contributes to nearly 6% of agriculture’s production emissions. Machineries that are used in farms for sowing, cultivation, and processing of fields and crops usually operate using electricity or fossil fuels. Adopting Renewable energy can not only positively impact their carbon footprint but it can also save farmers money.
Technologies like biogas plants help farmers to generate renewable energy on their farms using the waste generated from their farms. This technique gives out a renewable source of energy while giving a solution for farm waste management.
4. Adopting Natural Substitutes for Chemical Fertilizers to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Utilizing organic fertilizers, compost, and bio-based soil amendments instead of synthetic chemical fertilizers can reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture. Organic farming practices promote soil health, enhance carbon sequestration, and reduce carbon footprint associated with the production and application of chemical fertilizer.
Installing Biogas Plants also gives out a nutrient-rich slurry called digestate as a by-product which is filled with nutrients such as N, P, and K which can be used as an organic fertiliser and a soil nutrient booster.
5. Using Energy-Efficient Equipment to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Upgrading to energy-efficient machinery and equipment can help farmers reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon footprint. Investing in modern, fuel-efficient tractors, irrigation systems, and processing equipment can lower operating costs and environmental impact.
How Koshish Can Help Reduce Carbon Footprint in Agriculture?
Beyond just changing production practices to promote sustainability, farmers can turn to solutions with sustainability in mind to determine how to reduce their carbon footprint. Introducing new products and solutions can positively impact greenhouse gas emissions, as well as help grow or maintain yields.
Koshish offers biogas plants which not only generate renewable energy but also provide farmers with nutrient-rich slurry for use as organic fertilizer. By managing farm waste effectively and utilizing by-products for beneficial purposes, farmers can further reduce their carbon footprint while promoting resource efficiency and enhancing the overall sustainability of their operations.
Reducing agriculture's carbon footprint is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change and addressing the challenge of food scarcity amidst a growing global population. As one of the leading contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, agriculture requires collaborative efforts from industry stakeholders, advisors, and farmers to effectively tackle its carbon footprint.
To align with the United Nations' ambitious net-zero emissions target by 2050, it's important to aim for a significant reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with a target of 45%. This action is vital for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Agricultural practices must undergo transformative changes at the farm level, alongside fostering innovation throughout the industry.
At Koshish, our dedication to sustainability drives us to continuously innovate and develop solutions aimed at reducing agriculture's carbon footprint. Through our ongoing efforts, we strive to play a pivotal role in shaping a more sustainable future for agriculture, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change and ensure food security for generations to come.