VYAPAR Model stands for Versatile Yet Advanced Profit, Avail & Revenue Model that provides commercially viable BioCNG (Bio-Compressed Biogas) and BioManure.Anaerobic digester-produced biogas contains Methane gas and impurities (Moisture, Carbon dioxide, and Hydrogen sulphide), reducing its calorific value. Purification is necessary to remove these impurities, resulting in cost-effective, renewable, and eco-friendly biofuel.

The VYAPAR Model is a commercial model with a payback of 4-5 years and an ROI of up to 16%. It efficiently utilizes various biodegradable waste materials like cow dung, press mud, bagasse, agricultural residue, poultry droppings, industrial waste, paper pulp, and food waste.

SATAT Scheme - A Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation This is an initiative by the government of India with the objective of setting up Compressed Biogas production plants and make Bio-CBG available for market use for automotives by inviting expression of interest through potential investors.

Overview of the SATAT SchemeThe SATAT scheme has been established to make India more self-reliant by keeping in view the following objectives:

  • Making use of more than 62 million metric tonnes of waste generated every year.
  • Reducing dependence on imported fuel
  • Creation of more jobs in the alternative fuels industry
  • Reduction of carbon emissions and pollutants from burning of agriculture/organic waste.

S. No.



Material Of Construction


1000 m3 – 125000 m3
Overhead digester
High-grade concrete
Purification and Bottling Unit

Benefits of VYAPAR Model

  • By managing wastes responsibly, carbon emissions can be significantly reduced.
  • Creating additional income streams for farmers.
  • Nurturing an ecosystem conducive to rural entrepreneurship, economic growth, and increased employment opportunities.
  • Contributing to the attainment of national-level climate change objectives.
  • Serving as a safeguard against fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas prices.

BADLAO model

  • Capital investment in the corresponding size of biogas units is low.
  • MS gasholder coated with FRP to prevent corrosion.
  • As there is no moving part, the maintenance cost is minimized.
  • The effect of low temperature is less due to the FRP-coated gasholder.
  • It can be easily adapted/modified for the use of other materials along with dung slurry.

Other existing model

  • Capital Investment is high.
  • MS gas holder is a must that needs to be replaced after a few years due to corrosion damage.
  • The cost of maintenance is high.
  • The effect of low temperatures during winter is more, which leads to decreased gas production. 
  • It is suitable for the processing of cow dung only. Other organic materials could clog the plant.